MATERI UJIAN PENJAS ( Pontianak 2 Februari 2009)
Kelas : c sore
Dosen : Drs. Djuz'ie Imran
THE UNIT OF TIME(satuan-satuan waktu)
1. Century(Abad)
2. Year (Tahun)
3. Month (Bulan)
4. Week (Minggu)
5. Day (Hari)
6. hour (jam)
7. Minute (Menit)
8. Second (Detik)
Structure (sturktur Kalimat)
I. In........there are(is) .....(ada)
II. Have /Has (Mempunyai)
III. Consist of (terdiri dari)
Century.......(one hundred).... years
I. In one century there are one hundre years.
Questions :
1. Are there one hundred years in one century ?
Yes, there are.
2. Are there ten years in one century ?
No,There are not
3. How many years are there in one century ?
There are one hundred years.
4. In what are there one hundred years ?
In one century
II. One century one hundred years ?
Qestions :
1. Has one century one hundred years ?
yes, it has
2. Has one century one hundred months ?
no, it has not
3. How many years has one century ?
it has one hundred years.
4. what has one hundred years ?
One century has.
III. One century consists of one hundred years ?
Questions :
1. Does one century consisist of one hundred years ?
yes, it does
2. Does one century consisist of ten years ?
no, it does not
3. How many years does one century consisist of ?
it consisist of one hundred years.
4. What consisist of one hundred years ?
One century does.
lesson 3
read :
1. The sun and the moon are in the sky
2. They both give us light
3. The sun gives us light during the day ; it does not gives us light during the night.
4. The moon sometimes gives us light during the night
5. The sun gives us heat,too ; it makes everything warm.
6. During the day it is light ; during the night it is dark
7. People work and Play during the day ; people sleep during the night.
8. The beginning of the day is called morning ; the end of the day is called evening
9. The sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening
10. The afternoon is between the morning and the evening
11. Sometimes people rest during the afternoon.
Ask and answer the series :
Does the sun gives us light ? (yes, it does )
Does it give us water and fire ? (no, it doesn't)
What does the sun give us ? (it gives us light and heat)
What give us light and heat ? ( the sun does)
Does the moon give us light during the night ? ( yes, it does)
Does it (the moon) give us light during the day ? (no,it doesn't)
When does the moon give us light ? (it gives us light during the night)
What gives us light during the night ? (the moon does )
Do people work and paly during the day ? (yes they do)
Do they work and paly during the night ? ( no they don't)
When do people work and play ? ( They work and play during the day )
Who work and play during the day ? (people do)
What is May ? May is the fifth month. What is November ? November is the elevent month What is August is the eighth month.
In Great Britain there are four seasons,they are spring (Flower season), summer (warm season), autumn (falling season), winter (snow season or cold season).
In Gerat Britain March,April,and May are the spring months ; June, July and August are the summer month ; september, October and November are the autumn month ; Desember,January and February are the winter month.
Marc is one of the spring months. The other spring months are April and May.
July is one of the summer months. The other summer months are June and August.
September and October are two of the autumn months. The other autumn month is November.
January is One of the winter month. The other winter December and February.
In chile Argentina (The Argentine ), and Uruguay, the spring months are September, October and November ; the autumn months are March,April and May.
What day is it today ? it is Monday is Monday.
What day is it tomorrow ? it is Tuesday tomorrow. Tomorrow is Tuesday. What day was it yesterday ? it was Sunday yesterday. Yesterday was Sunday .
What is the date ? it is the First of February. What is the date tomorrow? it is the second of February.
cara membaca tanggal dalam bahasa inggris
write : 1st January 1915
say : the first of January, nineteen fifteen
write : January 1st 1915
say : January the first ,nineteen hundred and fifteen
write : 16th May 1963
say : the sixteenth of May,nineteen sixty-three
letak seseorang
a. in front (didepan)
b.between (diantara)
c. back/behind (dibelakang)
d.beside (disebelah/disamping)
e.middle (tengah)
letak sesuatu benda
a. top (atas)
b. bottom (bawah)
c. front (depan)
d. back (belakang)
e. side (samping/sebelah/sisi)
f. corner (sudut)
g. inside (didalam bagian samping)
h. outside (diluar bagian samping )
didalam penggunaan kata- kata penunjuk posisi diatas untuk contoh :
misalnya ingin mengetahui letak posisi A dalam sebuah kotak kita harus menyesuaikan dengan gambar yang ada pada gambar tersebut secara berurutan : adapun urutannya misalnya letak( A sebelah kanan atas bagian depan sudut pada kotak) dapat ditulis dengan right top front corner in the box.
Minggu, 01 Februari 2009
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